When I cook Indian food the curry leaves I find in the store are often tired and don’t add much flavor. I ordered 2 Curry leaf plants from Horizon Herbs ( my current favorite- http://www.horizonherbs.com/ ) along with Chinese licorice, Chamomile and Zaatar Oregano. Although native to India, the Curry leaf is “a reasonable choice for outdoor cultivation in Southern California” Sounds good….. I returned to the site to confirm a good location for these little plants and noticed “tropical to sub-tropical deciduous tree to 18 feet” Oops- didn’t see that. Curry Leaf Tree. They are now in big pots that will dwarf their growth (like my Bay tree). I don’t think I need 18 feet of Curry leaves. Not to be confused with either curry spice mixes or the Curry plant, whose leaves smell a little like curry spice.

The herb garden is so beautiful right now. Note the handmade ugly temporary sprinkler- only until I dig in a line and attatch it to my system......... Didn't I say that last year?

Tarragon, Lemon Balm, Marjoram,Thyme and Lemon Thyme, and Chives

3 different sages, Oregano, Rosemary, Winter Savory, Salad Burnet, Onions, and gleefully bolting Celery
Bugs bugs bugs
Today I installed pheromone traps in the apples and pears for Codling moths, a different pheromone trap near the citrus trees for Leaf Miners, fly traps in the chicken yard and Tanglefoot around the trunk of the Giant Fuyu tree. I am desperate to keep the mealybugs from ruining my favorite Persimmon. Next bug chore will be spraying for Fire Blight. Very few things in my yard need fighting, thankfully. Most of the problems are in the fruit trees and all my solutions are organic. Out damn pest. Don't mess with my fruit.