It's not fair for me to say I built it. The great and wonderful Dmitri, along with my brother Wenzel spent 2 long mornings and a few more odd hours with me in the garage to construct this beauty. I had bought all the materials and only had to run to the hardware store 3 or 4 times.... We worked from an old set of plans I got off the web. The plans were typed on a typewriter and illustrated with small sketches, and were"almost" complete. Dmitri's experienced eye and liberal dose of modifications were much appreciated. The plans said it would cost me about $60 to build. This was definitely not the case.
The dryer is sitting in my back yard, drying out in the sun. After the wood dries I will finish the outside with either Watco or Walnut oil- both food safe oils that will harden. It is a "dual system" dehydrator with both direct and indirect heat from the sun. At the toe of the boot shape air enters and is heated passing over and under the flat black piece of corrugated metal. The heated air rises through the screen trays and exits through a screened opening on the top of the back. There is a hinged flap on the top vent that can be adjusted to control the air flow/temperature.
God I hope this thing works well. I tried one tray of tomatoes a few days ago that was very successful. Now I have to do my homework and try a variety of things from the garden as they ripen. It's taller than me, and I'm 6'2", so It doesn't lack for space. The trays are 46 inches wide.
There is something about it's odd shape and the elegant and simple way it works that I find very appealing. I think it needs a name.
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